Our Allotment

“Allotment” is a travel award established in 2009
to commemorate the life and work of artist Naoko Yogo.
The Allotment award provides opportunities for young Japanese artists to travel,
with the aim of enhancing their experience, broadening their knowledge and vision,
and developing and nurturing their work.



The Winners of Travel Award 2016 Announceed.

The Winner of the Allotment Travel Award 2016 is Emi OTAGURO

2016年度ALLOTMENTトラベルアワードは、全国56名の作家の方々からご応募いただき、審査員の森田浩彰氏、橋本梓 氏による厳正な審査の結果、大田黒衣美さんに受賞が決定いたしました。大田黒衣美さんは福岡県生まれ、愛知県在住。 2008東京藝術大学大学院修士課程油画科卒業以後、2014〈project N 55〉オペラシティ・アートギャラリー(東京)、2016〈海峡 channel〉KAYOKOYUKI(東京)などで個展。これまで人の中に眠る’集合的無意識’の世界に興味を持って、様々な素材で主に絵画(二次元) の作品で表現してきたが 、今回のトラベルアワードの応募では、『クジラに唄う物語』という新しい作品の調査と撮影のための旅行となる。

Travel Award 2016ページで詳細を見る

Emi OTAGURO was selected from the 56 applicants we received in this years Travel Award. The judgment committee was held on the 19 August in Tokyo, selected by Akihiro Morita and Azusa Hashimoto.

Emi OTAGURO was born in Fukuoka, lives and works in Aichi Japan. She graduated from Tokyo University of the Art in 2008. She has been interested in “Collective Unconscious” as underlying her work. With this Travel Award grant, Emi OTAGURO intends to research and shoot videos for her new work called “Singing Stories to Whales”. She will be visiting Yamaguchi and Wakayama Ocean to meet the whales to tell her story.

Find more details on Travel Award 2016 page

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Travel Award 2016


Travel Award 2016 ページで審査総評を見る


The 2016 Travel Award- Archive Artist announced.


8 Archive Artist was selected from the 56 applicants we received in 2016 Travel Award. Selected by the judgment committee Hiroaki Morita and Azusa Hashimoto.

原田裕規 (Yuki HARADA)

飯山由貴 (Yuki IIYAMA)
石井麻希 (Maki ISHII)
三輪恭子 (Kyoko MIWA)

大﨑土夢 (Tomu OSAKI)
大田黒衣美 (Emi OTAGURO)
進藤冬華 (Fuyuka SHINDO)
山﨑梨真 (Rima YAMAZAKI)

Find more details 2016 Archive Artist
