
Miyuki KAWAMURA / 河村美雪

Miyuki KAWAMURA / 河村美雪

1975 Born in Hiroshima, Japan.
2001 Research Program at the Center for Contemporary Art, CCA Kitakyushu. Since completion of the program, Kawamura has been collaborating with scientists and other artists, and working on performing arts to continue her work. 1999 BA in Formative Arts, Tokyo Zokei University, Tokyo. 1998 The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (short exchange program)


1|Shapes and Violence Parade Me /2013
2|Good Timin’/2013
3|Droppingby Waiting for the Freedom that Disappears Before It Can Be Touched /2010
4|Like a Myspace/2009
5|Migrating Book/Interview for the Writer /2014
All photo’s © Miyuki KAWAMURA


2013 「Shapes and Violence Parade Through Me」 Osan Bridge, Yokohama, Japan
2011 「Swimming the Sound of Ocean,UWANO」 Tsumari Tsunan Ueno village + Art Front Gallery, Niigata, Japan
2009 「Like a Myspace」 Komaba Space at University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2007 「Garden AGORA 2007」Winter Summit Agora Theater 2007, Tokyo, Japan
2005 「Existing inside Lady H 」Hosomi Museum, Kyoto, Japan
2003 「The party, Already Included」 NPO Osaka Arts Aporia, Osaka, Japan
2001 「Before and After the Mountain 」 Capacete Entertainment, Rio de Janeiro
2000 「here,now. 2000-1997」 Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan


