このプロジェクトでは、そんな美術の一片のかけらを手にしようと試行錯誤を繰り返す作家を支援するために、最初の出発点としてTRAVEL AWARD(制作旅行援助金)を開設します。プロジェクトALLOTMENT/家庭菜園で何を育てることができるのか、小さいながら土壌を耕して種をまく作業を始めます。
“Allotment” is a travel award established in 2009 to commemorate the life and work of artist Naoko Yogo.
The Allotment award provides opportunities for young Japanese artists to travel, with the aim of enhancing their experience, broadening their knowledge and vision, and developing and nurturing their work.
Before Naoko passed away in 2005, she devoted a lot of time and energy to her allotment in South London. It was an important part of her life, a source of great joy as well as hard work. In his text for Naoko’s book, Chris Roberts recalls one of her stories about her allotment: “There were no taps on the allotment so she had to carry water there herself. She had worked out the bare minimum each plant required, no more than a glassful each. It was just a small habitual act of kindness that would result in something coming to fruition.”
For Naoko, there was no difference between working on her art and on her allotment: they coexisted as vital parts of her life. In both, she worked with enthusiasm and care, paying attention to small details. Though each required a great deal of patience, she never compromised. She went through a constant process of trial and error in order to accomplish what she set out to do.
The Allotment travel award will reflect Naoko’s life and legacy by supporting artists who, like her, are guided by a passion to produce their work and yet endeavour to pursue their dreams.
All proceeds from the sales of Naoko’s book and photographs will be donated to the Allotment fund.